Progress is wonderful

Once in a while I listen to Dutch podcaster Robert Jensen, and about a week ago he gave an answer to the question: how do we get out of the covid crisis/madness? In short, his reply was that the people who are awake now, are already mentally out of the crisis. The moment you decide […]

Starting a Free Commune

My previous article received many positive responses, including from a libertarian who is searching for a new home in southern Europe as we speak. At this stage it is already possible to go on a trip with three others and buy a hamlet with a lot more houses/ruins than we need for ourselves alone. But […]

Utopia in Honduras

Over the last 18 months, as governments around the world used the China flu to diminish already limited freedoms of the ordinary citizens with lockdowns, mask mandates and restrictions for those who do not wish to use an experimental medical treatment, many liberty minded individual are wondering, where can I go to?The answer could be […]

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