Stunning autumn pictures

In the north of Europe, autumn is my least favorite season. Gray and dreary days, weeks where you don’t see the sun. Cold, windy and wet. I felt that autumn colours, falling leafs and mushrooms popping up was no compensation. Autumn in Galicia is definitely far better: for the second year I get to enjoy […]

Free Commune presentation in Prague

14 & 15 October we are participating in the conference ‘Liberty in our Lifetime’ in Prague.This conference focuses on so-called free cities, or in our case a free village, where the rights and freedom of the individual are respected. Last year, we participated virtually. It was too early to offer anything back then. Read about […]

Cleaning House

Wednesday 9 August the final purchase contract was signed. All four heirs had traveled to an administration office, as well as our dutchspañol real estate agent Frank and former Penadexo resident Angél who came as a witness. In the first week of August, we had already started a major clean-up of the house. After all, […]

When doing nothing is not an option

The world is becoming less and less free. Central Bank Digital Currency, digital ID, facial recognition cameras, internet censorship and all manners of surveillance are being developed and made into law. The covid plandemic demonstrated how (medical) tyranny can be implemented from one day to the next. We should prepare for future events.

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