Consumerism is a major curse of our time: many people say they are against it, very few manage to do things differently and truly live an environmental friendly lifestyle. While it is not the aim of our community to save the environment, we do facilitate a lifestyle that is much more environmentally friendly than mainstream […]
The art of libertarian procrastination
The film Idiocracy has aged from a lighthearted comedy to a cult-classic. Originally it was not meant as a serious social criticism on our times. It merely took one tiny development and amplified it in order to create a plot: namely that more intelligent people tend to postpone having children to the point that many […]
Liberty in our Lifetime 2023 Speech
Recipe for creating a community It’s good to see so many young people here My compliments for the organizations generous discount for young people. You want to make the world more free and perhaps you like to live and invest in some form of libertarian community. Show of hands how many would be willing to […]
When doing nothing is not an option
The world is becoming less and less free. Central Bank Digital Currency, digital ID, facial recognition cameras, internet censorship and all manners of surveillance are being developed and made into law. The covid plandemic demonstrated how (medical) tyranny can be implemented from one day to the next. We should prepare for future events.
Second group meeting in the Netherlands
Happy 2023! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar en Feliz Año! Nothing good in life happens without effort. Restoring and repopulating an abandoned village is an ambitious goal. And we are doing this in a time of instant gratification and massive distraction from our gadgets. But the rewards are huge too: liberty in our lifetime, for our children, and […]
Liberty within our lifetime…
A week ago, the first floating house or ‘Sea Pod’ was presented by Ocean Builders. This company is affiliated with the Seasteading Institute, a libertarian organization originally founded by Patri Friedman (grandson of Milton). What would have been a milestone in an ambitious project to achieve ‘liberty within our lifetime’ went horribly wrong. The ‘Seapod’ […]
First meeting of Free Commune members
Any type of movement starts with convincing people of an idea, and generating trust between members to be able to work as a team to achieve an objective. Freedom is a great idea, but people who enjoy their own freedom are usually not likely join a movement for a common cause. It has always been […]
Why a commune?
One of our members recently raised the question: why use the word commune, doesn’t that stand for groups who share all of their possessions? Isn’t a Free Commune a contradiction in terms?
Starting a Free Commune part II
Now that we have a group of participants, we must begin taking some practical steps. We have to select a country.
Starting a Free Commune
My previous article received many positive responses, including from a libertarian who is searching for a new home in southern Europe as we speak. At this stage it is already possible to go on a trip with three others and buy a hamlet with a lot more houses/ruins than we need for ourselves alone. But […]