The world is becoming less and less free. Central Bank Digital Currency, digital ID, facial recognition cameras, internet censorship and all manners of surveillance are being developed and made into law. The covid plandemic demonstrated how (medical) tyranny can be implemented from one day to the next. We should prepare for future events.
Free Commune Season Two: Amazing Transformations
It is not a complaint nor an exaggeration to say that I’ve been very busy lately. Between the ordinary everyday problems of having a family while simultaneously dividing time between three countries, it’s one thing to remain focused, but quite another to report on it. But let me assure you dear reader, that things are […]
Cutting towards a future
Presentation Liberty in our Lifetime: Finding Freedom as a Modern Pioneer
Last weekend I remotely joined the conference Liberty in our Lifetime organized by the Free Cities foundation. Below is the text of the presentation for the “newcomers’ panel”: Finding Freedom as a modern pioneer.
The Swinehouse
Liberty within our lifetime…
A week ago, the first floating house or ‘Sea Pod’ was presented by Ocean Builders. This company is affiliated with the Seasteading Institute, a libertarian organization originally founded by Patri Friedman (grandson of Milton). What would have been a milestone in an ambitious project to achieve ‘liberty within our lifetime’ went horribly wrong. The ‘Seapod’ […]
Restoring the abandoned village (Part I)
Some weeks have passed and a lot of progress has been made. Several members of our group came by to see and decide for themselves if this beautiful but isolated village can be their home. During one such visits, an owner came along and called the mayor to send in two guys with brush cutters.
Expedition III: report from the frontier
How can you make a trip to a normal, developed country more exciting? By taking an old car, load it up with two babies plus mamita, and drive for three days to get there. All in all I can say that part went very well. However…
Third expedition to Galicia
Yes, we are still alive and kicking and ready for another expedition to explore abandoned villages in Galicia! The last couple of months have been extremely hectic. I lost my father and gained a daughter. All the while being very busy at work. Nevertheless, as live goes on, so did the planning for the next […]
Starting a Free Commune part II
Now that we have a group of participants, we must begin taking some practical steps. We have to select a country.