The art of libertarian procrastination

The film Idiocracy has aged from a lighthearted comedy to a cult-classic. Originally it was not meant as a serious social criticism on our times. It merely took one tiny development and amplified it in order to create a plot: namely that more intelligent people tend to postpone having children to the point that many have no children at all. Whereas at the bottom of society, people have far less hesitations and just do (it). The moral lesson: what seems smart and sensible is not always so.

The movie has matured beautifully, many scenes that were meant as a joke unfortunately now happen in real time.

Another science fiction action comedy that turned out to be a lot more prophetic than intended is the 1993 Sylvester Stallone movie Demolition Man. In this brave new world, ‘safety first’ has been taken to such an extreme that swearwords are outlawed and natural sex is abolished. A man from the past is unfrozen to help arrest a severe criminal, as contemporary soft (woke) cops are not capable anymore to deal with violence. This is also something we can observe presently: UK cops are busy arresting people for ‘wrongthink’, while violent crime is at an all-time high.

By making safety a priority, any productive work we do comes secondary. Safety is important, but it can never take priority: no job in the world is 100% safe. Living carries with it a 100% chance of death. Everywhere we can see examples of how ‘safety first’ is paralyzing our lives, oftentimes resulting in less safety.
Nowhere is ‘the illusion of safety’ more exaggerated than at children playgrounds. Rubber tiles covering every square inch and equipment subjected to so much ‘health & safety’ requirements that most has become utterly boring. Despite all these precautions, post menopause couples have their overdressed last-chance babies wear helmets as if they are suffering from severe epilepsy. Children desperate for some excitement are told by helicopter moms not to climb too high, and soft dads are scolded by their wives if they dare swing the swing a little faster.
Children growing up in this way never learn to venture out on their own, asses risks and solve problems when they arise themselves. Instead, they are constantly under adult supervision, told to appeal to an adult authority if they have a problem, and the only place they get to explore in relative freedom is the virtual world.

A so called ‘adventure playground’ where parents and mobile devices are not allowed inside

The precautionary principle is the biggest danger of our time. Not only because it leads to population decline, but also because it prevents us from taking important decisions. Better safe than sorry does not always result in being safe. Plenty of times we are caught in a situation where doing nothing is the worst possible option. We can’t always wait to have all the information to make the best informed decision. There are moments where we have to act with our gut instinct and hope for the best.

Four years ago we came extremely close to a dystopian world: a surveillance state where you could not even leave your own home. Fortunately there was just enough resistance against the scamdemic to break the authoritarian’s confidence and the trust of their corporate backers. However, it was not enough to send culprits to jail or even make anyone lose his or her job. Billions were robbed and no one got punished.
Interestingly, our youth was less rebellious than older generations, and more likely to follow the ‘expert recommendations’. The scamdemic was not exclusively caused by evil sociopaths, it only worked because obedient masses went along with it. Greedy evil people always plot for power and money, but if the NPC’s do not follow, nothing happens.

For many folks it served as a wake-up call. Most countries are not democracies at all and can turn into a dictatorship by decree. Most people will follow obediently and throw you under the bus if you don’t. Our already limited freedom is extremely fragile. Following the scamdemic there was a huge search in desire for real freedom, and in this climate many projects were born.

For the moment, normalcy has returned and many of us have returned to the comfort of our golden cages. All the lunacy, oppression, coercion and humiliation that our governments and fellow citizens made us go through has almost been forgotten. The population is ready for the next heist. And with an entire generation raised with ‘safety first’ and lacking testosterone, this is now easier than ever before.

Redpilled people such as libertarians see through most of the propaganda. Yet that does not mean we take the necessary decisions to stay ahead of events. This is not about saving the world, this is about you choosing the optimal environment to maintain your own freedom.

Many young libertarians themselves are affected by our obsession with safety. Like the couple in ‘Idiocracy’, it’s never ‘the right time’ to make a tough decision. Whether you consider having children (an act of rebellion these days) or moving to a libertarian project, the best time to do so is now.

Every week there are new virtual projects popping up. Filled with buzzwords such as metaverse, digital twins, NFT, tokenization, AI, augmented reality and the new word for sustainable: ‘regenerative’. These people are fooling themselves. While technology such as crypto, blockchain and the internet itself most definitely benefit the freedom movement, similar tech is aiding the techno-feudalist surveilance state. The only real solution to counter technofeudalism, is to move in with like minded people. That is the lesson that we can draw from covid.

There are several existing libertarian projects around the world that really need more people. In Europe, those are Liberland, Liberstad, Montelibero, and the Free Commune of Penadexo by yours truly. Furthermore there are several projects in the process of acquiring a physical location, as well as religious or left-leaning communities. Only when we band together we can truly maintain our freedom!

If you are young, what is holding you back? If you are older and have children yourself, what is preventing you from making sure your children have the best future?

Please let me know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “The art of libertarian procrastination

  1. To reply to the logical progression to your ultimate notion

    WHEREVER we happen to be, we better find, we need soon form an unbeatable coalition synchronized against the evils upon which ALL good folks, of whatever circumstance, agree.

    I see this as the ONLY short term solution. This is a near immediate existential circumstance… in my opinion..

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